
The development of new technologies and media has brought new ways of participation and social construction, reshaping some traditional structures that support public and private institutions. Not only have I witnessed these changes first hand, but, have in addition, been able to consider how institutions might be better prepared to respond to these new modes of social participation.

During the period in which I was the editor of Chile’s first online medical newspaper, I developed a strong understanding of digital communications and their relation to the broader media. Later, at the Innovation Center of the Chilean Library of Congress, I headed projects connecting citizens to congressional representatives using social media tools. I further refined my skills when I led the implementation of a social network for schools in underprivileged neighborhoods through the EducarChile Program. For the past year, I have been Head of Digital Media at Corfo, the Chilean Economic Development Agency.

 Here are some of the projects in wich I have been involved. Click the images to visit the websites:

Corfo Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional SavalNet
Juégatela Mujer InvestChile Garantias Corfo my Blog ChileAyuda ChileAyuda